Wednesday, August 11, 2010


It's realy ironic writing about naps in 4 AM !!!!!!!!!!!

What ever i have an insomnia i realy Hate the word "N.A.P"

Naps for me is a realy disaster thing,it's not healthy at all !!!!!

Back to my country naps are a realy an important thing, it's the number one favorite thing for moroccan housewives...after a launch time...washing dishes and finishing watching their favorite 2 pm soap opera...a tipical moroccan housewife start to prepare her warm blanket in the living room closing windows to block sun light, and snoring til 5 she can bring her children from school after that,it's a good lifestyle but in the same time it leads to laziness and it's a waste of time.

For me when i take a nap once a week, the whole week will get missed out!!!!!!
i'll give you an exemple...if i sleep til a late time on sunday...i'll automaticaly not gonna be able to sleep at night because i slept the whole day on sunday ...all that because i was hanging out late with my friends or watching a movie on saturday night...waking up early for school on monday...i'll be little bit tired the whole day in school because i didn't have much time for sleep...i'll automaticaly go back to dorms to take a small nap that finish with 4 hours nap...which lead to a "white night" with no sleep...which will effect the next day again...which finally will turn my sleep system up side down for the whole week...which will affect my school grades ...and i'll be in a huge problem with my parents because they spent alot of money for my school...all that because of the STUPID NAP that i took on sunday !!!!!
So naps always lead to insomnia and depression ...

SOme benefits..."..."
Napping has been found to be beneficial. Napping for 20 minutes can help refresh the mind accourding to "wikipedia website"Scientists have been investigating the benefits of napping for years: the 20-minute nap, as well as sleep durations of 1–2 hours. Performance across a wide range of cognitive processes have been tested. Studies demonstrate that naps are as good as a night of sleep for some types of memory tasks.

By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail" Benjamin Franklin

By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail" Benjamin Franklin

Laziness is nothing nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired ,it's the unwillingness to do something like an activity despite having the ability to do so!!
This is the Main reason of failing to prepare that leads to FAIL !

For my personal experience i used to be a lazy person , i was whishing so many things without doing any efforts to realize them...

After a while i realized that laziness will never help me to smell the success , so i started to change my attitude ,eventually i started realizing that doing efforts, trying and trying after failing will make me much stronger and will make me far away from failing...

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The magic eight ball !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Has any one heard about the magic eight ball?
Well i did...

What is a magic eight ball?
The Magic 8-Ball is a toy used for fortune-telling or seeking advice, manufactured by Mattel.

My first question was "will i pass the toefl"?
Unfortunately the Answer was "outlook not so good"...i asked again...(shaking the black ball)..and weird words come out from a bleu liquide that says"my sources say NO!!"
i was realy frustrated since i actually believe in fortune tellings and sychic things...(sometimes for fun)...
Federica(my class mate)was whispiring with an italian accent"sara don't believe in's only a game!!",but jonie my teacher had that strange look seems like the ball was telling the truth...or maybe because of my weak grammar that's why she was sure about it...

Well i hope that federica is right about it...i have to find out this next week...but i still have a strong feeling that i can do it this time , so i don't need a stupid magic eight ball or what ever to tell me what's going to happen to me...because i can change the future by preparing for it...

Thursday, July 29, 2010

D!d u KnOw?

It is impossible to out-swim a shark – sharks reach speeds of 44 mph (70 km/h). Humans can run about 21 mph (35 km/h).

If the amount of water in your body is reduced by just 1%, you’ll feel thirsty.

The giant squid has the biggest eyes of any animal: its eyes measure 16 inches (40 cm) in diameter.

It is impossible to sneeze and keep one’s eyes open at the same time.

Men loose about 40 hairs a day. Women loose about 70 hairs a day.

Dinosaurs did not eat grass: there weren’t any at that time.

There are more than 10,000 varieties of tomatoes.

Americans eat twice as much meat as Europeans, gobbling up some 50kg (110 lb) per capita.

Wine is sold in tinted bottles because wine spoils when exposed to light.

China uses 45 billion chopsticks per year. 25 million trees are chopped down to make ‘em sticks.

Vitamin A is known to prevent “night blindness,” and carrots are loaded with Vitamin A. One carrot provides more than 200% of recommended daily intake of Vitamin A.

There are more than 10,000 distinct religious groups in the world.

A US ton is equivalent to 900 kg (2000 pounds). A British ton is 1008 kg (2240 pounds), called a gross ton.

To make one kilo of honey bees have to visit 4 million flowers, traveling a distance equal to 4 times around the earth.

Carrots have zero fat content.

Water expands by about 9% as it freezes.

Air becomes liquid at about minus 190 degrees Celsius

Chocolate is the number one foodstuff flavor in the world, beating vanilla and banana by 3-to-1


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Dave barry

Dave barry is known as a famous humor columnist,his work was appeared in more than 500 news papers in the united states and beyond.
He won the pulitzer prize for commentary,and he also has written a total of 30 books were used as the basis of CBS sitcom ''dave's world''

In his spare time, Dave is a candidate for president of the United States. If elected, his highest priority will be to seek the death penalty for whoever is responsible for making Americans install low-flow toilets.

Dave lives in Miami, Florida, with his wife, Michelle, a sportswriter. He has a son, Rob, and a daughter, Sophie, neither of whom thinks he's funny.

This one of his famous articles calls : a man's job

When it comes to domestic responsibilities, men aren't dropping the ball.

source :

Oh, swell. We have yet another survey showing that men, when compared with women, are scum. Just once, I'd like to see some survey asking questions that would highlight areas where men are more likely to be superior, such as:

(1) If it was an emergency, could you open a beer bottle with your teeth?

2) How many hours per week, total, do you spend fretting about your thighs?

(3) Do you have the emotional stability to make a meaningful lifelong commitment, through good times and bad, to a set of underwear?

(4) Do you know the joke whose punch line is: "But first, roo-roo!"?

(5) If another person is not saying anything, and you're wondering if this might be because something is bothering that person, and you ask that person what that person is thinking, and that person says, "Nothing," do you accept this perfectly reasonable answer, or do you proceed to nag the person half to death?

But do we see these questions on surveys? We do not. Instead, we see questions like the ones asked in a recent survey by the U.S. Department of Labor. Having apparently run completely out of useful things to do, the department asked 21,000 Americans how they spend their time when they're not working.

It turned out that women spend twice as much time as men on household chores and child care, while men spend more time on leisure. On the surface, this looks bad. But surface looks are often deceiving. A good example is the iceberg, which appears to be a big hunk of ice, but if you look beneath the surface, you find that it is . . . okay, it is actually a big hunk of ice. So we see that this is, in fact, not a good example, and we should just move on.

But my point is that this survey is very misleading. Take the concept of "housework." It may be true that women spend more time on it, but what, really, are they accomplishing?

In my own home, my wife spends a lot of time picking up our 4-year-old daughter's doll clothes and laboriously putting them back on the various naked Barbies, the naked Snow White, the naked Ariel the mermaid and the incredibly lucky naked Ken.

When my wife does this, she is clearly working, but she is not what a man would call "working smart." A man knows from harsh real-world experience that all of these dolls will soon be naked again, and so he makes a conscious decision to leave the dressing of the dolls, and the cleaning of his daughter's room in general, until a more sensible and productive time, such as when his daughter enters college. But does this man get any slack from the so-called Department of Labor? He does not.

And let's talk about child care versus leisure. For women, these are two separate activities, but men have perfected a productivity-enhancing technique called "multitasking." Say a man is supposed to watch a child, but he also wants to watch a football game. Thanks to "multitasking," this man can keep one eye on the football game, while at the same time keeping the other eye also on the football game. But in some remote sector of his brain he is vaguely aware that there is a child around somewhere, and if he hears anything suspicious, such as sirens or an explosion, he will respond immediately, unless it is a crucial third-down situation.

Speaking of which: I was once at a Thanksgiving gathering where there was a backyard touch football game involving all the guys except one -- I will call him "Fred" -- who was watching us while holding his infant daughter. My team was short one player, and we were in a crucial third-down situation, so we looked over at "Fred" -- an excellent receiver -- and, after making us swear we would never tell his wife, he very carefully set his daughter down on the lawn and joined the game for a single play, which resulted in Joel -- excuse me, I mean "Fred" -- scoring a touchdown.

This never would have happened if we had allowed ourselves to be shackled by the rigid, inflexible definitions of "leisure" and "child care" that have for so long enslaved women and the so-called Department of Labor.

Am I saying men are perfect? I am not. There are certainly areas of domestic life where men could show more sensitivity toward, and awareness of, the imbalance between them and women, and I intend to address these areas in detail. But first, roo-roo!

For more articles click on this Link.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

history of bleu jeans

Bleu jeans are originally known as an american clothing,the world's first jeans were created by Levi Strauss & Co in 1873,it was the biggest revolution of clothing now and then.

Who's Levi Strauss?

Levi Strauss, the inventor of the quintessential American garment - the blue jean -was born in Buttenheim, Bavaria on February 26, 1829 to Hirsch Strauss and his second wife, Rebecca Haas Strauss. Levi - named "Loeb" at birth – had three older brothers and three older sisters, but his sister Fanny (born Vogele) was the only other child of his mother, Rebecca.(
He came to San Francisco in 1853, at the age of twenty-four, to open a west coast branch of his brothers' New York dry goods business. He had spent a number of years learning the trade in New York after emigrating there from his native Germany. He built his business into a very successful operation over the next twenty years, making a name for himself not only as a well-respected businessman, but as a local philanthropist as well.

He turned denim with his partner Jacob Davis , thread and a little metal into the most popular clothing product in the world.
Waist overalls, was the traditional name for work pants, which is what these first jeans were called. The word jeans became more popular around 1960 when the baby-boom generation adopted the term for its favorite type of pants, blue jeans..

What is denim means?

1. (usually plural) close-fitting pants of heavy denim for manual work or casual wear
2. a coarse durable twill-weave cotton fabric

Denim is more than just a cotton fabric; it inspires strong opinions within the hearts of historians, designers, teenagers, movie stars, reporters and writers. Interest bordering on passion can be found among textile and costume historians today, especially in the debate over the true origins of denim.

Back to the story:

The first jeans came in two styles, indigo blue and brown cotton "duck." Unlike denim, the duck material never became soft and comfortable so it was eventually dropped from the line. Although denim pants had been around as work wear for many years, historically dating back to England in the 1600s with a fabric there called denim, it was the first use of rivets that created what we now call jeans. "Waist overalls" was the traditional name for work pants, which is what these first jeans were called. The word jeans became more popular around 1960 when the baby-boom generation adopted the term for its favorite type of pants. How were blue jeans invented is a simple story.

Perseving the Past:
This is a very intresting video on showing some of more than 100 years old jeans
The title is :Preservation of historic garments.

General informations:

Invention: blue jeans

Definition: noun / waist overalls, jeans, Levi's® jeans
Function: Clothes, especially pants, that are usually close-fitting and created from the rugged cotton twill textile that is colored blue with indigo dye
Patent: 139,121 (US) issued May 20, 1873 for Fastening Pocket-Openings

Inventor: Jacob Davis (aka Jacob Youphes)

Criteria: First to invent. First to patent. First practical.
Birth: 1834 in Riga Latvia
Death: 1908 in San Francisco, California
Nationality: German

Inventor: Levi Strauss (aka Loeb Strauss)

Criteria: First to patent. First practical. Entrepreneur.
Birth: February 26, 1829 in Buttenheim, Germany
Death: September 27, 1902 in San Francisco, California
Nationality: American (of German decent)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

slavery in newyork

Slavery in New York
Slavery in New York was instituted when the New Amsterdam fur trading-post developed into a farming colony, and persisted until the culmination of an early 19th century program of gradual abolition, on July 4, 1827.
From 1701 to 1726, officially, some 1,570 slaves were imported from the West Indies and another 802 from Africa. As it had under the Dutch, the colony continued to import relatively few slaves from Africa directly, except occasional cargoes of children under 13. The actual numbers were much higher, because smugglers made liberal use of the long, convoluted coast of Long Island. In some years illegal shipment of slaves on a single vessel outnumbered the official imports to the whole colony.

As a result, New York soon had had the largest colonial slave population north of Maryland. From about 2,000 in 1698, the number of the colony's black slaves swelled to more than 9,000 adults by 1746 and 13,000 by 1756. Between 1732 and 1754, black slaves accounted for more than 35 percent of the total immigration through the port of New York.
The slave trade became a cornerstone of the New York economy. As with Boston and Newport, profits of the great slave traders, or of smaller merchants who specialized in small lots of skilled or seasoned slaves, radiated through a network of port agents, lawyers, clerks, scriveners, dockworkers, sailmakers, and carpenters.

American Revolution

African Americans fought on both sides in the American Revolution. Many chose to fight for the British as they were promised freedom in exchange. After the British occupied New York City in 1776, slaves escaped to their lines for freedom. The black population in New York grew to 10,000 and the city became a center of their community. The Treaty of Paris (1783) required that all American property including slaves be left in place, but a joint board of enquiry at Fraunces Tavern failed to find evidence of enslavement for most of the Negroes who had fought in the King's cause. 3,000 Black Loyalists left with the British in 1783. Some traveled to England; others resettled in Nova Scotia which then comprised the modern Maritime Canada or to Sierra Leone where their descendants became the Sierra Leone Creole people, or the Caribbean.==>wikipedia

Civil war

On the verge of American Civil War, according to the 1860 census, there were 49,005 free colored in the state of New York, out of a total population of 3,880,735. New York was being rapidly transformed by waves of new European immigrants from the 1840s on, including the Irish.

The 1863 New York Draft Riots consisted mostly of Irish immigrants and their descendants attacking African Americans. The Irish resented being drafted, and did not want to fight in the war on behalf of people with whom they were competing for wages in low-skilled jobs. African Americans from New York also served with the Union Army to defeat the Confederacy.

By 1870, the African American population in New York had increased slightly, to 52,081. The state's population had grown markedly to 4,382,759, of which more than one million were foreign-born. Many of the new immigrants were concentrated in and around New York City.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

why people care more about animals than people?

I still cant understand why people cares more about animals than humans ,so i was searching about it and i found so many important information .

So i went first to a very intresting websites that includes questions and answers that people share so i found some intressting responces

That was the main question *

what is the psychology behind people sympathetic to animals but not humans?


Person 1=Animals love you even if you're unkind/mean-spirited/cruel. People don't. Animals don't talk back, tell you you're wrong or leave you. I suppose such people are out to protect themselves from rejection/betrayal Happy Monday to you! :)

Person 2=think I would slightly amend your notion - at least as it applies to me. I am more sympathetic to animals than I am adult humans. For me, the reason is obvious. Most of the adult humans I know have at least the capacity to be resourceful enough to rebound from setbacks. Of course I know there are the extreme cases as in natural disasters, etc. I see adult humans as having had some say in their fate or at least some options in life. Whereas I see animals, particularly domestic animals, as being pretty much dependent upon us.This, by the way, is the reason why I defend the rights of the unborn and other children with more vigor than I defend the rights of grownups. Most grownups I know have had some choices and can fight adversity but the unborn and little ones are pretty much totally at our mercy. People who are cruel to animals and/or children are, in my opinion, the lowest of the low.

person 3 =
These people are generally referred to as animal rights activitists. Many of them work in the federal government as evidenced by a large group of California farmers who can't get water as that might endanger some insect or fish no one's ever heard of. Remember the snail darter? A little fish you might refer to as a minnow? Same group of people. But the psychology behind how these folks think is probably quite interesting and alien to the way you do.

This a link of a very intresting story of a reporter experiences.
story highlights
BackStory features a look at report on unusual animal shop in Baghdad
Animal stories typically elicit more sympathy than human ones

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

part 2:effects of oil

Oil affects wild life :

Oil affects wildlife by coating their bodies with a thick layer. Many oils also become stickier over time (this is called weathering) and so adheres to wildlife even more. Since most oil floats o nthe surface of the water it can effect many marine animals and sea birds. Unfortunately, birds and marine mammals will not necessarily avoid an oil spill. Some marine mammals, such as seals and dolphins, have been seen swimming and feeding in or near an oil spill. Some fish are attracted to oil because it looks like floating food. This endangers sea birds, which are attracted to schools of fish and may dive through oil slicks to get to the fish.
Oil that sticks to fur or feathers, usually crude and bunker fuels, can cause many problems. Some of these problems are:
hypothermia in birds by reducing or destroying the insulation and waterproofing properties of their feathers;
hypothermia in fur seal pups by reducing or destroying the insulation of their woolly fur (called lanugo). Adult fur seals have blubber and would not suffer from hypothermia if oiled. Dolphins and whales do not have fur, so oil will not easily stick to them;
birds become easy prey, as their feathers being matted by oil make them less able to fly away;
marine mammals such as fur seals become easy prey if oil sticks their flippers to their bodies, making it hard for them to escape predators;
birds sink or drown because oiled feathers weigh more and their sticky feathers cannot trap enough air between them to keep them buoyant;
fur seal pups drown if oil sticks their flippers to their bodiesk
birds lose body weight as their metabolism tries to combat low body temperature;
marine mammals lose body weight when they can not feed due to contamination of their environment by oil;
birds become dehydrated and can starve as they give up or reduce drinking, diving and swimming to look for food;
inflammation or infection in dugongs and difficulty eating due to oil sticking to the sensory hairs around their mouths;
disguise of scent that seal pups and mothers rely on to identify each other, leading to rejection, abandonment and starvation of seal pups; and
damage to the insides of animals and birds bodies, for example by causing ulcers or bleeding in their stomachs if they ingest the oil by accident.

This is a video from youtube explains how oil affects sea birds :

sources : ==>australian maritime safety authority

Effects of oil

An oil is any substance that is liquid at ambient temperatures and is hydrophobic but soluble in organic solvents. Oils have a high carbon and hydrogen content and are nonpolar substances. The general definition above includes compound classes with otherwise unrelated chemical structures, properties, and uses, including vegetable oils, petrochemical oils, and volatile essential oils. All oils can be traced back to organic sources.
Mineral oil
Mineral oils, found in porous rocks underground, originated from organic material, such as dead plankton, accumulated on the seafloor in geologically ancient times. Through various geochemical processes this material was converted to mineral oil, or petroleumdiesel]], and such. These are classified as mineral oils because they do not have an organic origin on human timescales, and are instead derived from underground geologic locations, ranging from rocks, to underground traps, to sands.
Other oily substances can also be found in the environment; the most well-known of those is asphalt, occurring naturally underground or, where there are leaks, in tar pits.
Petroleum and other mineral oils (specifically labelled as petrochemicals) have become such a crucial resource to human civilization in modern times they are often referred to by the ubiquitous term of "oil" itself.
Organic oils
Organic oils are also produced by plants, animals, and other organisms through organic processes, and these oils are remarkable in their diversity. Oil is a somewhat vague term in chemistry; instead, the scientific term for oils, fats, waxes, cholesterol, and other oily substances found in living things and their secretions, is lipids.
Lipids, ranging from waxes to steroids, are somewhat hard to characterize, and are united in a group almost solely based on the fact that they all repel, or refuse to dissolve in, water, and are however comfortably miscible in other liquid lipids. They also have a high carbon and hydrogen content, and are considerably lacking in oxygen compared to other organic compounds and minerals.
Synthetic oils
Synthetic oil is a lubricant, consisting of chemical compounds which are artificially made (synthesized) from compounds other than crude oil (petroleum). Synthetic oil is used as a substitute for lubricant refined from petroleum, because it generally provides superior mechanical and chemical properties than those found in traditional mineral oils.
sources :wikipédia ^^