Thursday, June 10, 2010

why people care more about animals than people?

I still cant understand why people cares more about animals than humans ,so i was searching about it and i found so many important information .

So i went first to a very intresting websites that includes questions and answers that people share so i found some intressting responces

That was the main question *

what is the psychology behind people sympathetic to animals but not humans?


Person 1=Animals love you even if you're unkind/mean-spirited/cruel. People don't. Animals don't talk back, tell you you're wrong or leave you. I suppose such people are out to protect themselves from rejection/betrayal Happy Monday to you! :)

Person 2=think I would slightly amend your notion - at least as it applies to me. I am more sympathetic to animals than I am adult humans. For me, the reason is obvious. Most of the adult humans I know have at least the capacity to be resourceful enough to rebound from setbacks. Of course I know there are the extreme cases as in natural disasters, etc. I see adult humans as having had some say in their fate or at least some options in life. Whereas I see animals, particularly domestic animals, as being pretty much dependent upon us.This, by the way, is the reason why I defend the rights of the unborn and other children with more vigor than I defend the rights of grownups. Most grownups I know have had some choices and can fight adversity but the unborn and little ones are pretty much totally at our mercy. People who are cruel to animals and/or children are, in my opinion, the lowest of the low.

person 3 =
These people are generally referred to as animal rights activitists. Many of them work in the federal government as evidenced by a large group of California farmers who can't get water as that might endanger some insect or fish no one's ever heard of. Remember the snail darter? A little fish you might refer to as a minnow? Same group of people. But the psychology behind how these folks think is probably quite interesting and alien to the way you do.

This a link of a very intresting story of a reporter experiences.
story highlights
BackStory features a look at report on unusual animal shop in Baghdad
Animal stories typically elicit more sympathy than human ones


  1. You did wonderful work! It is very interesting and broadens my thinking.

  2. Great article Sara. I just think that animals don't always appreciate when you hurt them. Maybe they can't respond verbally to torture kinds but they express it instinctively.
