It's realy ironic writing about naps in 4 AM !!!!!!!!!!!
What ever i have an insomnia i realy Hate the word "N.A.P"
Naps for me is a realy disaster thing,it's not healthy at all !!!!!
Back to my country naps are a realy an important thing, it's the number one favorite thing for moroccan housewives...after a launch time...washing dishes and finishing watching their favorite 2 pm soap opera...a tipical moroccan housewife start to prepare her warm blanket in the living room closing windows to block sun light, and snoring til 5 pm...so she can bring her children from school after that,it's a good lifestyle but in the same time it leads to laziness and it's a waste of time.
For me when i take a nap once a week, the whole week will get missed out!!!!!!
i'll give you an exemple...if i sleep til a late time on sunday...i'll automaticaly not gonna be able to sleep at night because i slept the whole day on sunday ...all that because i was hanging out late with my friends or watching a movie on saturday night...waking up early for school on monday...i'll be little bit tired the whole day in school because i didn't have much time for sleep...i'll automaticaly go back to dorms to take a small nap that finish with 4 hours nap...which lead to a "white night" with no sleep...which will effect the next day again...which finally will turn my sleep system up side down for the whole week...which will affect my school grades ...and i'll be in a huge problem with my parents because they spent alot of money for my school...all that because of the STUPID NAP that i took on sunday !!!!!
So naps always lead to insomnia and depression ...
SOme benefits..."..."
Napping has been found to be beneficial. Napping for 20 minutes can help refresh the mind accourding to "wikipedia website"Scientists have been investigating the benefits of napping for years: the 20-minute nap, as well as sleep durations of 1–2 hours. Performance across a wide range of cognitive processes have been tested. Studies demonstrate that naps are as good as a night of sleep for some types of memory tasks.
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